We are an Organization of Horticultural Producer base in Verzuolo, in Cuneo’s province. Joinfruit is formed by 200 partners with a share passion for the land and daily involved in offering quality fruit, respecting the territory, of the health and well-being of people.
The Producer Organization is a form of cooperation between farmers. Picture it like a large family formed by people who wake up every day with the same objective: producing fresh, safe, healthy, delicious and sustainable fruit and vegetables. Well, this is us: the Joinfruit producers. We work together to put in circulation talents and to reach the best results all together.
As a Producers Organization we have a team of passionate and competent people who follow and assist us during the whole cultivation process. These people also help us valuing our production and helping us to market it in the best way. Everything is done with the objective of guaranteeing sustainability for customers, producers and the whole community.
Nell’arte agricola e con le nostre mani sapienti coltiviamo frutta e verdura della migliore qualità.
Il valore della sostenibilità equa e inclusiva.
La terra custodendo il territorio e la biodiversità.
Soluzioni all’avanguardia per lasciare domani un mondo migliore ai nostri figli.
Capable of standardising and harmonizing our services fo all the partners and provide the right directions and guidelines in different fields, such as financial area, administration, accounting, quality area, safety and environment, technical area, commercial area and IT.
area finanziaria – amministrazione – contabilità, area qualità – sicurezza – ambiente, area tecnica, area commerciale e area IT.
Nell’arte agricola e con le nostre mani sapienti coltiviamo frutta e verdura della migliore qualità.
Il valore della sostenibilità equa e inclusiva.
La terra custodendo il territorio e la bioidiversità.
Soluzioni all’avanguardia per lasciare domani un mondo migliore ai nostri figli.
Soggetto in grado di uniformare ed armonizzare i servizi per tutti i soci e fornire le giuste indicazioni e linee guida nei diversi ambiti:
area finanziaria – amministrazione – contabilità, area qualità – sicurezza – ambiente, area tecnica, area commerciale e area IT.
Our main cultivation areas are in Piemonte, Veneto, Lazio, Marche and Emilia Romagna, for a total amount of:
Agronomi, agricoltori, tecnici, addetti al controllo qualità: il nostro team è composto da persone appassionate del loro lavoro che mettono a disposizione le loro competenze per offrire ai nostri soci produttori i migliori servizi.
Joinfruit was born from the meeting of passion and friendship. The passion for agriculture and the long-lasting friendship between our two founding members: Eraldo Barale and Michele Ponso.
Eraldo and Michele are immersed in fruit growing since their childhood and they have always kept their companies (respectively Sanifrutta and Ponso) active in Cuneo’s Province. The two founding owners share various values, such as respect and valorisation of the environment and the territory, the commitment to the good agricultural practices, the will to bring to the market high quality products and the wish to face new challenges together. Starting from these values in 2016 Joinfruit is born.
Over the years other producers joined Eraldo and Michele in their dream of creating a community of farmers that work together sharing skills, knowledge and experience. The companies that joined Joinfruit’s family are Trybeca, Nature Grow, Maero Frutta, Coofrutta and Agrimunda.
Today Joinfruit has around 200 partners that grow fruit and vegetables in different Italian regions, starting from Piemonte all the way to Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Marche and Lazio. An extended family of producers, whose face the challenges of modern agriculture, through the tools and opportunity provided by a structured cooperation of a Producer Organization. The modern agriculture is made of innovation, but mainly of people who share the responsibility of growing products which are at the foundation of a healthy nutrition, with the utmost respect of nature and of the health of costumers.
Every day is a chance to be better than yesterday.
Presente e futuro della nostra organizzazione sono legati a doppio filo: la quotidianità alimenta lo slancio verso il domani, perché tutti i nostri agricoltori sono vicini alle proprie radici, ma hanno sempre lo sguardo puntato verso il futuro.
Questo significa custodire e valorizzare la propria storia e il proprio territorio di appartenenza, ma anche essere naturalmente innovatori, scegliendo soluzioni all’avanguardia e sperimentando uno sguardo nuovo sul nostro modo di essere agricoltori.
Joinfruit was born from the meeting of passion and friendship. The passion for agriculture and the long-lasting friendship between our two founding members: Eraldo Barale and Michele Ponso.
Eraldo and Michele are immersed in fruit growing since their childhood and they have always kept their companies (respectively Sanifrutta and Ponso) active in Cuneo’s Province. The two founding owners share various values, such as respect and valorisation of the environment and the territory, the commitment to the good agricultural practices, the will to bring to the market high quality products and the wish to face new challenges together. Starting from these values in 2016 Joinfruit is born.
Over the years other producers joined Eraldo and Michele in their dream of creating a community of farmers that work together sharing skills, knowledge and experience. The companies that joined Joinfruit’s family are Trybeca, Nature Grow, Maero Frutta, Coofrutta and Agrimunda.
Today Joinfruit has around 200 partners that grow fruit and vegetables in different Italian regions, starting from Piemonte all the way to Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Marche and Lazio. An extended family of producers, whose face the challenges of modern agriculture, through the tools and opportunity provided by a structured cooperation of a Producer Organization. The modern agriculture is made of innovation, but mainly of people who share the responsibility of growing products which are at the foundation of a healthy nutrition, with the utmost respect of nature and of the health of costumers.
Every day is a chance to be better than yesterday.
Presente e futuro della nostra organizzazione sono legati a doppio filo: la quotidianità alimenta lo slancio verso il domani, perché tutti i nostri agricoltori sono vicini alle proprie radici, ma hanno sempre lo sguardo puntato verso il futuro.
Questo significa custodire e valorizzare la propria storia e il proprio territorio di appartenenza, ma anche essere naturalmente innovatori, scegliendo soluzioni all’avanguardia e sperimentando uno sguardo nuovo sul nostro modo di essere agricoltori.