We are proud of what we do and we want to share it also with the people that don’t know us. We do so by participating in trade fairs, by organising events and by realizing projects that contribute to the spread of our values.
Siamo particolarmente attenti a realizzare progetti che prevedano una circolarità e una “restituzione” alla Terra e al territorio, così come a iniziative formative che possano trasferire i nostri saperi alle nuove generazioni, senza dimenticare le attività di promozione e valorizzazione delle eccellenze ortofrutticole locali e nazionali.
The project: “A healthier soil and a more virtuous production with Symbiotic Agriculture in the fruit sector” is the first experience of an OP in Symbiotic Agriculture. This experience has been realized by OP Joinfruit of Verzuolo (CN) in collaboration with the research group in plant-microorganism interactions at the Department of Life Sciences and Biology of the University of Turin.
Our source of inspiration for this research project has been the Società Consortile Ecosì. Thanks to the will of Sergio Capaldo, founder of La Granda (leader in valorising the Piedmontese breed, Presidio Slow Food). Ecosì has created a Quality Process Certification of food production, with the aim of restoring, maintaining and improving the biodiversity and microbial functionality of soils.
Symbiotic Agriculture is a form of "collaborative" cultivation with nature: a state-of-the-art eco-friendly system that promotes the healthy and balanced development of plants starting from soil care through sustainable natural soil fertilisation using a soil microbial complex as an alternative to chemical inputs. Through the inoculation of microbial formulations that include bacteria and fungi of the soil, the health of the soil is preserved and, year after year, the aim is to improve fertility, retain carbon and resist more to water stress.
Il 10 maggio 2024, Joinfruit ha presentato “Ortofrutta Connect” durante Macfrut 2024, in collaborazione con Rurall e altri partner. Il progetto punta a integrare Intelligenza Artificiale e digitalizzazione nella gestione agronomica per migliorare il controllo qualità, ridurre i costi e ottimizzare la sostenibilità. Sono state installate telecamere sui trattori per raccogliere dati utili agli agricoltori, come lo stato di maturazione e la presenza di patogeni.
L’iniziativa, già in fase di sperimentazione in tre aziende agricole, mira a valorizzare la produzione, migliorare la tracciabilità e supportare pratiche rigenerative. I responsabili hanno sottolineato l’importanza dell’innovazione digitale per rendere l’agricoltura più sostenibile ed efficiente, con l’obiettivo di estendere il progetto a più produttori in futuro.
Il progetto “Un suolo più sano e una produzione più virtuosa con l’Agricoltura Simbiotica nel comparto frutticolo”, è la prima esperienza da parte di una OP sull’Agricoltura Simbiotica, realizzata dall’OP Joinfruit di Verzuolo (CN) in collaborazione con il gruppo di ricerca in interazioni piant-microrganismi presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dell’Università di Torino.
Our source of inspiration for this research project has been the Società Consortile Ecosì. Thanks to the will of Sergio Capaldo, founder of La Granda (leader in valorising the Piedmontese breed, Presidio Slow Food). Ecosì has created a Quality Process Certification of food production, with the aim of restoring, maintaining and improving the biodiversity and microbial functionality of soils.
Symbiotic Agriculture is a form of "collaborative" cultivation with nature: a state-of-the-art eco-friendly system that promotes the healthy and balanced development of plants starting from soil care through sustainable natural soil fertilisation using a soil microbial complex as an alternative to chemical inputs. Through the inoculation of microbial formulations that include bacteria and fungi of the soil, the health of the soil is preserved and, year after year, the aim is to improve fertility, retain carbon and resist more to water stress.
Il 10 maggio 2024, Joinfruit ha presentato “Ortofrutta Connect” durante Macfrut 2024, in collaborazione con Ruralle altri partner. Il progetto punta a integrare Intelligenza Artificiale e digitalizzazione nella gestione agronomica per migliorare il controllo qualità, ridurre i costi e ottimizzare la sostenibilità. Sono state installate telecamere sui trattoriper raccogliere dati utili agli agricoltori, come lo stato di maturazione e la presenza di patogeni.
L’iniziativa, già in fase di sperimentazione in tre aziende agricole, mira a valorizzare la produzione, migliorare la tracciabilità e supportare pratiche rigenerative. I responsabili hanno sottolineato l’importanza dell’innovazione digitaleper rendere l’agricoltura più sostenibile ed efficiente, con l’obiettivo di estendere il progetto a più produttori in futuro.
Our strong territorial identity is combined with the desire to recognize and appreciate every productive excellence of our country. For this reason, we are among the founders of LA GRANDE BELLEZZA ITALIANA, together with other six historical production realities of the national fruit and vegetable landscape.
La Grande Bellezza Italiana is a network of companies whose mission is to search for the best fruit and vegetable productions of Italy to bring on the consumer table all the genuine beauty that Italy can offer. A synergistic action that allows us to offer consumers a top of the range assortment, guaranteed, certified, 100% Made in Italy and distinguishable through a brand and image absolutely innovative, studied to make immediately recognizable these excellences of the productive panorama of our Country.
Our strong territorial identity is combined with the desire to recognize and appreciate every productive excellence of our country. For this reason, we are among the founders of LA GRANDE BELLEZZA ITALIANA, together with other six historical production realities of the national fruit and vegetable landscape.
La Grande Bellezza Italiana is a network of companies whose mission is to search for the best fruit and vegetable productions of Italy to bring on the consumer table all the genuine beauty that Italy can offer. A synergistic action that allows us to offer consumers a top of the range assortment, guaranteed, certified, 100% Made in Italy and distinguishable through a brand and image absolutely innovative, studied to make immediately recognizable these excellences of the productive panorama of our Country.
Innovation and sustainability in the first Italian short horticultural supply chain with Food Lockers: this is Joinfruit Fresh. With Joinfruit Fresh you can buy fruit and vegetables directly grown from our family of farmers, passionate people who are committed daily to offer you the best of our lands.
Joinfruit Fresh is a commercial channel that combines technological innovation, sustainability and tranquility for you who choose our products. This channel offers you the chance to buy fresh fruit and local products directly from our farmers. These products are packaged in a recyclable way and delivered to our refrigerated lockers, where you can collect them in complete autonomy.
Innovation and sustainability in the first Italian short horticultural supply chain with Food Lockers: this is Joinfruit Fresh. With Joinfruit Fresh you can buy fruit and vegetables directly grown from our family of farmers, passionate people who are committed daily to offer you the best of our lands.
Joinfruit Fresh is a commercial channel that combines technological innovation, sustainability and tranquility for you who choose our products. This channel offers you the chance to buy fresh fruit and local products directly from our farmers. These products are packaged in a recyclable way and delivered to our refrigerated lockers, where you can collect them in complete autonomy.
Innovation and sustainability in the first Italian short horticultural supply chain with Food Lockers: this is Joinfruit Fresh. With Joinfruit Fresh you can buy fruit and vegetables directly grown from our family of farmers, passionate people who are committed daily to offer you the best of our lands.
Joinfruit Fresh is a commercial channel that combines technological innovation, sustainability and tranquility for you who choose our products. This channel offers you the chance to buy fresh fruit and local products directly from our farmers. These products are packaged in a recyclable way and delivered to our refrigerated lockers, where you can collect them in complete autonomy.